The one question that hasn't been asked until now

Coming soon

Piero shares his pioneering ideas of growing garments out of organisms such as slime mould and lichen. “I don't start with an idea of how the garment should look, rather I let it show me.”

We’d love to hear from you  

We are inclusive of different voices, perspectives and experiences. If this matters to you, reach out to share on behalf of planet earth. Choose what you'd like to give voice to.  

Our aim is to capture as many voices as possible. Become part of our interconnected community.

Let your world speak

Upmakers series

If your work is inspired by Planet Earth and you would like to share one of your creations, get in touch.

Creatives this way

Uplift - the book

If you would like to know more about what Planet Earth says stay tuned for our forthcoming book. We are working with some talented designers to make a wonderful gift for you the people you care about.